Longitudinal vascular dynamics following cranial window and electrode implantation measured with speckle variance optical coherence angiography.
Daniel X Hammer, Andrea Lozzi, Erkinay Abliz, Noah Greenbaum, Anant Agrawal, Victor Krauthamer, Cristin G Welle
Speckle variance optical coherence angiography (OCA) was used to characterize the vascular tissue response from craniotomy, window implantation, and electrode insertion in mouse motor cortex. We observed initial vasodilation ~40% greater than original diameter 2-3 days post-surgery (dps). After 4 weeks, dilation subsided in large vessels (>50 µm diameter) but persisted in smaller vessels (25-50 µm diameter). Neovascularization began 8-12 dps and vessel migration continued throughout the study. Vasodilation and neovascularization were primarily associated with craniotomy and window implantation rather than electrode insertion. Initial evidence of capillary re-mapping in the region surrounding the implanted electrode was manifest in OCA image dissimilarity. Further investigation, including higher resolution imaging, is required to validate the finding. Spontaneous lesions also occurred in many electrode …
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Biomedical Optics Express