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Cristin Welle, PhD

Principal Investigator

Dr. Welle is a systems neurophysiologist with expertise in the interaction between medical devices and the nervous system . . .

Lab Members

Adrienne Ellett, MS

Adrienne Ellett, MS

Clinical Research Coordinator

Adrienne is investigating the role of taVNS on fine motor skills in patients with MS

Kimberly Gagnon

Kimberly Gagnon

PhD Candidate, Neuroscience

Kim is exploring the effect of behaviorally relevant and temporally precise neuromodulator release . . .

Simone Capuani, PhD

Simone Capuani, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Simone is investigating cholinergic function in VNS-driven neural plasticity during recovery from stroke.

Elise Carter

Elise Carter

Masters Student

Elise is a PhD student in Bioengineering working on developing new technology to stimulate the auricular vagus nerve. . .

Shayok (Shay) Dutta, PhD

Shayok (Shay) Dutta, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Shay is exploring how VNS intersects with cognitive function and memory formation.

Anthony Chavez

Anthony Chavez

Technical Expertise

Anthony is our mouse guru who keeps our colonies in order, and helps keep us in order too!


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Spencer Bowles, PhD

Spencer earned a BS in Neuroscience and Psychology at Regis University. He obtained his Ph.D. in the lab of Dr. Cristin Welle where he studied the role of cholinergic signaling in endogenous and VNS-enhanced motor learning. He used chronically implanted stimulating and recording electrodes, in vivo optogenetics, and markerless kinematic tracking to explore the changes in neural activity and behavior that accompany motor learning. Spencer will be continuing his post-doctoral training in the lab of Dr. Mackenzie Mathis.

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